How have you been feeling? We are human and we inhabit physical bodies, so it’s quite natural to have little aches and pains now and then. Sometimes it’s more than aches and pains. All physical illness stems from some issue that plague us. Emotional disruptions lead to physical illness. That’s why it’s important and very helpful to work with our Guardian Angels on a regular basis. By calling them into your meditations, they come and surround you with love and light. And they always leave behind a healing. If you make this a regular practice, a small emotional issue may be resolved so that it doesn’t transform into a painful physical one. What I’d like to do with you today is to work on healing. Whether you’re feeling tip-top or so-so, a healing is always a blessing. If you’re aware of something bothering you emotionally, choose consciously to work on that now, but even if you have no knowledge of such an issue, work on accepting a healing. It can be a preventative blessing, surrounding you with love and light that generates emotional and physical well-being.
The Angel Cards show us a view of life that is positive and harmonious, and thus one filled with good health and emotional joy. That is our goal today and every day. Can we be like the Angels? We can try. So let’s call on your Guardian Angel, to come fill the room with healing light and love. Close your eyes for a moment and feel this celestial presence around you. Take several deep breaths. Inhale this cleansing energy. Envision it like a mist, floating all around you, over you, and inside you. See it immediately neutralize any dark energy. See illness cleansed… and unhappiness transformed to peace. And keep breathing. Feel your Guardian Angel all around you and feel the light and joy surrounding you. Let yourself be healed so that you can be peaceful and happy today and every day. And here is a message that will lead you toward more peace and joy.
The card your Guardian Angel has guided me to choose for you is the Presence card.

The word charisma was coined in the middle of the last century, and it was usually applied to celebrities or politicians who had so much personal energy—pizzazz—that everyone was drawn to them. Presence refers to a kind of spiritual charisma, and that’s a way for you to allow your inner lights to shine brightly so that other people see how special you are and want to share in your energy. That’s why the Presence card has come through now because you are going to allow your light to shine even more brightly.
Do you consider yourself shy or outgoing? If you’re shy it’s a little more difficult for you to let your inner lights shine, but it doesn’t mean they’re not there. You have an inner rainbow, just like everyone else. Remember that although on the earthly plane we’re all confined to inside the flesh of our bodies, in fact we are spirit, and as spirit, we’re all part of the whole, a glowing essence of light that flows into and out of all of us. The Angel of Presence is here now to help you bond with all the spirit vibrations in the Universe so that you share all that is you with everything else.
Sit quietly for a moment and think the phrase, I am…. Then let your mind fill in the blanks with as many answers as come through. A parent. A lover. A jogger. A singer. A healer. A teacher. A cook. A jokester. Whatever comes through are the qualities that represent you. The Angel of Presence is here to inspire you to acknowledge your inner lights and to help you share them. This could be a sign that more recognition is coming soon and that you could receive an award, a promotion, or some measure of fame.
My inner light and personal magnetism is strong. I have the ability to draw what I want and need my way.
Pearl, Angel Clairsentience