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Open Your Heart Meditation
This meditation will help you to open your heart in challenging times while experiencing more love for yourself and those around you. I hope you will give it a try. Take 4 deep breathes, breathing in and out slowly and at a regular pace. This

Love Compatibility
What’s Your Valentine Sign? At ESPchat, we really do believe that “Love makes the world go round.” And the numerous “Love” queries our professional team of psychics answers on a daily basis are a testament to that very sentiment. Matters of the heart certainly rank

Discover Your Chinese Astrology Sign
What Your Chinese Sign Says About You! To discover yours, just locate your birth date in the chart below, and then click on the animal associated with it to see what Chinese Astrology reveals about you! Find out about your Year of the Rat in

Dreams Guide
Grace’s Dream Journal Guide It is a good idea to record your dreams in a dedicated notebook: Your Dream Journal Guide. Each time you have a dream, even if you only remember small parts of it, record it in your notebook. The list of questions

Energizing Your Hopes and Dreams
Programming your Hopes and Dreams with an Intention You can actively use your dreams to help solve problems, tackle challenges or realize intentions. It is best to begin this exercise on the night of a New or Full Moon, depending on the intention you want

Why You Want a Gratitude Journal!
Why You Want a Gratitude Journal! “The secret of happiness is to count your blessingswhile others are adding up their troubles – William Penn One way to stay connected to life’s joys and blessings is to keep a gratitude journal. With all the stress we

Invite Positive Energy into Your Life
Most of us could certainly use some tips and recommendations for bringing positive energy into your lives, particularly right now. We invite you to read through our suggestions and try out the ones that resonate most with you. Why You Want a Gratitude Journal! Invite

Make Your Wishes Come True!
Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to